Friday, October 9, 2009


pemupukan patriotisme hanyalah berkisar tentang semangat perjuangan menentang penjajah. lebih mudah dilaksanakan dalam tajuk-tajuk seperti perluasan pengaruh dan penapakan kuasa British di Negara kita , perjuangan tokoh-tokoh tempatan menentang penjajahan British dan tindak balas untuk menebus maruah bangsa dan negara yang jelas berkaitan langsung dengan konsep menentang penjajah sebagai satu perkara asas untuk menimbulkan , mengaitkan dan menanam semangat patriotik kepada Negara.
‘ konsep menentang penjajah sebagai satu elemen patriotisme sudah tidak lagi dominan dalam permikiran pelajar kita.


Patriotisme adalah perasaan yang kuat terhadap tanah air . Perasaan ini perlu wujud di hati setiap individu rakyat Malaysia yang berbilang kaum. Sehubungan itu , semangat patriotik dapat membentuk rakyat Malaysia yang bersatu padu dan harmoni. Justeru , berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman aspek-aspek sejarah negara, murid dibimbing untuk menganalisis dan menilai fakta-fakta sejarah secara rasional. Natijah daripada pemahaman dan penghayatan sejarah negara , para pelajar dapat membina kekuatan semangat cinta akan negara. ( PPK , 2000 , 4 )


bangga sebagai rakyat Malaysia
bersemangat setia Negara
semangat kekitaan
berusaha dan produktif

Pemupukan semangat patriotisme

mestilah mengakibatkan perubahan paradigma pelajar dalam pemikiran dan perasaan mereka terhadap Negara.
pemupukan semangat patriotisme harus ditekankan kepada perubahan sifat dalaman pelajar itu sendiri. Maklumat yang disampaikan haruslah menjadi satu agen yang mampu mengubah pemikiran pelajar


Patriotisme bukan sekadar semangat perjuangan menentang penjajah tetapi lebih luas daripada itu dan lebih besar lagi jika kita berusaha untuk memajukan Negara dan berfikir bagaimana untuk menjaga , memerlihara dan mengekalkan kemerdekaan
bukan sekadar kefahaman guru bahawa untuk menjadikan seseorang itu patriotik ia mestilah menyanyikan dan menghormati lagu-lagu patriotik atau lagu kebangsaan , menaikkan bendera serta menyertai dan menyambut bulan kemerdekaan semata-mata


guru perlu menjurus kepada tahap pemikiran tinggi supaya pelajar yang kita hasilkan mampu membuat analisis dan tafsiran tentang unsur patriotisme secara mendalam , rasional dan prakmatik.
Guru juga membuat andaian bahawa pelajar faham apakah unsur patriotisme yang kita hendak pupukkan Mereka sendiri boleh faham dan mentafsirkan daripada contoh yang kita berikan . Adakah semua pelajar kita berkemampuan membuat sedemikian? Kalaupun mampu di tahap pemikiran mana mereka berada? Adakah hanya sekadar di aras pengetahuan atau kefahaman sahaja.
peranan penting seorang guru sejarah ialah untuk membentuk , mengasah dan menajamkan pemikiran pelajar melalui proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran sejarah.
Sejarah sebenarnya membantu kita membentuk dan membina satu kerangka pemikiran dan menanam ingatan bersama berkaitan sesuatu peristiwa yang telah berlaku dan menjadikannya satu pengajaran dan pengalaman berguna di masa hadapan bukan sekadar maklumat semasa sahaja tetapi juga sejarah masa hadapan.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Action research is carried out to improve current educational practices, while fundamental research is usually undertaken to confirm broad generalizations of the principles of educational practice (Chai Hon Chan 1970:23)

Action research is conducted by teachers on-the-job to sharpen their professional competence by constantly evaluating their own teaching methods and applying research findings to their own conditions, while fundamental research is usually undertaken by “outside” specialist who are not directly involved with the working conditions. (ibid)

Action research proceeds on the belief that practising teachers are more likely to learn from their own experimentation and evaluation than if research findings, no matter how valid, are proffered them by “outsiders”. Fundamental research functions on the assumption that the dissemination of research results is an effective and efficient way of improving educational practices. (ibid)

Format Laporan

3.Sorotan Literatur
5.Dapatan kajian
6.Pentafsiran dan Perbincangan

Penyelidikan Tindakan
1. Pengenalan Kepada kajian Tindakan
2. Proses and Metodologi Kajian Tindakan
3. Dapatan kajian
4. Perbincangan dan Kesimpulan
5. Rujukan


6.Pengenalan kepada Peneyelidikan & Sorotan Literatur
9.Perbincangan dan Kesimpulan


Tradisional: 10-15% jumlah perkataan laporan
Sinopsis yang ringkas yang mengaitakan secara urutan setiap bahagian/aspek laporan.
Urutan abstrak:
- Tujuan kajian
- pernyataan masalah/hipotesis
- metodologi dan proses kajian
- dapatan kajian
- kesimpulan: masalah/kejayaan

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Stages of Teacher Development with Educational Technology

Recent research suggests that teachers pass through several stages as they integrate technologies into the educational environment (Dwyer, Ringstaff, & Sandholtz, 1991). Consequently, teacher inservice programs should be designed to complement the changes that occur in teacher practice and should be responsive to a teacher population consisting of members at varying stages (Jordon, 1993). A number of models of teacher development in the use of educational technology have been proposed and described in the literature (Beasley & Sutton, 1992; Bowman, 1983; Carrier et al. 1985; Carrier & Lambrecht, 1984; Gray, 1986; Wedman & Strathe, 1985). One of the most commonly cited models in the literature is The Apple Classroom of Tomorrow (ACOT) model (Dwyer et al. 1991). The ACOT model is based upon research findings concerning the experience of 32 teachers and 650 students who have been cooperating in the ACOT research project since 1985. The model contains five stages--Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Appropriation, and Invention.

The first stage of the ACOT model is the entry stage. During this stage, teachers become accustomed to a transformed classroom--in a physical sense--as computers and other technologies are placed in the classroom. Teachers find themselves dealing with first-year teacher problems-- discipline, resource management, organization, and personal frustration. They still rely heavily on familiar tools such as the chalkboard, textbooks, workbooks, and hand-outs.

The adoption stage is the second stage in the ACOT model. During this stage, teachers become less concerned about how to connect the computers and more concerned about how to use them in the instructional curriculum. At this point, technology is used to support traditional teaching methods--drill and practice, text orientation, whole-group lectures, and seatwork.

Stage three is the adaptation stage. During this stage, the technology becomes seamlessly integrated into traditional classroom practice. Traditional pedagogy still dominates but is supplemented 30-40% of the time with the use of word processors, databases, graphics, and computer- assisted instruction. The increased productivity resulting from the use of software tools allows time for the curriculum to be enhanced by additional exploratory activities using the technology.

The appropriation stage is the fourth stage in the ACOT model. During this stage teachers achieve greater personal mastery and confidence with the technology. Teachers' roles begin to shift and new, innovative instructional strategies begin to emerge. Team teaching, interdisciplinary project-based instruction, and individually-paced instruction become common practice. Teachers begin to reflect on their teaching practices, to question old patterns, and to speculate about the causes behind the changes they are witnessing in their students. Students are engaged in collaborative learning activities involving interdisciplinary projects.

The final stage of the ACOT model is the invention stage. Teachers demonstrate a willingness to experiment with a variety of instructional approaches. Teachers view learning as a more active, creative, and socially interactive process than before. A constructivist perspective develops and teachers assume new roles in the classroom. In addition, alternative methods of assessment, such as portfolios of student work, are combined with traditional methods of evaluation.

While the ACOT model described the developmental evolution of teachers in the use of educational technology, other models focus more specifically on the levels of technology implementation that teachers demonstrate as they integrate educational technology into the curriculum. Several models have been developed that describe this evolution. The Levels of Technology Implementation (LoTi) model, developed by Christopher Moersch (1995), is a framework for measuring classroom technology use and will be used in this study by participating teachers to assess their level of technology implementation. The LoTi model was developed to assist school districts in restructuring their staff's curricula to include concept/process-based instruction, authentic uses of technology, and qualitative assessment. LoTi is aligned conceptually with the research of Dwyer et al. (1991); Hall, Loucks, Rutherford, and Newlove (1975); Thomas and Knezek (1991).

In the LoTi model, Moersch (1995) proposed seven discrete implementation levels teachers can demonstrate, ranging from Nonuse (Level 0) to Refinement (Level 6). Changes occur in the instructional curriculum as the teacher progresses through each level. Instructional practices change from being teacher-centered to learner-centered. Computer technology is used as a tool that supports and extends students' understanding of instructional material through the use of technologies such as databases, telecommunications, multimedia, spreadsheets, and graphing applications. Hands-on inquiry related to problems, issues, or themes gradually replace traditional verbal activities. Technology inservice training should be designed to complement the changes that occur in teacher practice as one evolves through the stages (Moersch, 1995).

The LoTi framework is based partly on the research of Hall et al. (1975) who articulated the Levels of Use of the Innovation, a concept described in the Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) of Hall and Hord (1987). Eight discrete levels of use of an innovation that an individual may demonstrate were proposed. The levels range from nonuse and orienting, to mechanical use, and finally to integrating and refining the use of the innovation. However, this model described, in general, the levels of use for any type of innovation and did not address the specific concerns of technology. The LoTi framework is specific to the levels of implementation for technology innovations and describes the specific uses of technology that teachers will demonstrate as they evolve from one level to the next.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan
Grade Level: 5th
QCC: M.24 Identities needed information and selects steps necessary to solve multi-step word problems.
QCC: M.25 Solves one-, two, and three-step word problems related to all appropriate fifth grade objectives including those presented orally.
Time estimation: 40 minutes.
Materials: Food date fact sheets, calendars, and red and green cups.
Present Goals and Set:
This week we have been learning about how to keep food fresh and safe to eat. We have also been learning about what can happen when food is not handled properly. Today in math we are going to talk about those dates you see on food labels. We are going to discuss the different type of dates and what they mean. Then you are going to work with a partner to answer food safety questions using your new knowledge about those dates. As you can see your desks have already been arranged in groups of two so that we will not have to spend valuable class time moving desks.
Present Information: Give each student a copy of the following sheet and quickly discuss the information found on the sheet.
Facts about the dates found on food labels and packages.
~ Many foods, especially meats, have a “sell by” date on the label. This is the last day that the product can be sold in the grocery store. It allows you time to buy the product and store it at home until you are ready to cook it.
=~ Lots of products also have a “do not use after” date on them. The products should not be eaten after this date. This is also called the “expiration” date.
=~ The “best if used by” date is a freshness date. Even though the food may still be safe to eat after this date it will not be as tasty.
~ If you just see a date on a product, it usually refers to the date the food was made, processed, or packaged.
~ Unopened containers of food can be kept longer than opened containers. For example, canned vegetables can be stored for one year, but once they are opened they need to be refrigerated. Even then they can only be stored for 3 days. (Remove contents from can.)
· The date on egg cartons refers to the date the eggs were packed. They can be sold for up to 30 days after the packaging date. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 weeks after the packaging date before their quality starts to decline.
· Hard-boiled eggs can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 1 week.
· Raw meats can be stored in the refrigerator 1 or 2 days before they are to be used.
· Opened packages of lunchmeats can be stored for 3-5 days in the refrigerator.
· Opened packages of hotdogs can be refrigerated for 1 week.
· Leftover cooked meats can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
· Egg salads or deviled eggs can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 1 day.
· Yogurt can be kept in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.
· Milk puddings can be safely stored for 5-6 days in the refrigerator.
· Opened containers of milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week after they have been opened. * Be sure to check the date on the carton.
You can safely store the milk for up to 1 week after the “sell by” date.
· Opened packages of cheese can be safely stored for 1 month.
· Cheese spreads can be stored for 1 month.
· Jelly can be safely used for 1 year if kept refrigerated after opening.
· Catsup can be stored for 1 month. (For safety, refrigerate.)
· Pies can be safely refrigerated for 2-3 days.
· Peanut butter can be stored for 2-3 months after opening.

Organize students into learning teams.
Your desks have already been placed in groups of twos. You will work together with your partner as a team during our activity. I know you will all work very well together. The next part of our lesson is going to be challenging, but fun. It will be a think-pair-share activity.
Think-pair-share activity.
Today you learned a lot about the dates found on foods. You also learned a lot about how long certain foods can be safely kept before they become unsafe to eat. Now you are going to put that new knowledge to work. You are going to work with a partner and a calendar to answer food safety questions. After I ask a question, you are going to use a calendar to decide if a food is safe to eat. After you decide on the answer, you are going to share the answer with your partner and come to an agreement on the answer. If you decide that the food is safe to eat, you are going to place a green cup on your desk. If you decide that the food is not good to eat, you are going to place the red cup on your desk. Then we will discuss why you chose a particular answer. Remember that it is not enough to just say yes or no, I want to know why you decided yes or no. Are there any questions before we begin?
Use the attached list of questions for the activity.
Assist teamwork: Give the students clues as needed.
Test over materials: Students tell why their answers are correct.
Provide recognition: Be sure to praise the
students for their correct answers and hard work. Some of the questions are very tricky!
= Many foods, especially meats, have a “sell by” date on the label. This is the last day that the product can be sold in the grocery store. It allows you time to buy the product and store it at home until you are ready to cook it.
= Lots of products also have a “do not use after” date on them. The products should not be eaten after this date. This is also called the “expiration” date.
=> The “best if used by” date is a freshness date. Even though the food may still be safe to eat after this date it will not be as tasty.
=> If you just see a date on a product, it usually refers to the date the food was made, processed, or packaged.
+ Unopened containers of food can be kept longer than opened containers. For example, canned vegetables can be stored for one year, but once they are opened they need to be refrigerated. Even then they can only be stored for 3 days. (Remove contents from can.)
The date on egg cartons refers to the date the eggs were packed. They can be sold for up to 30 days after the packaging date. They can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 or 4 weeks after the packaging date before their quality starts to decline.
· Hard-boiled eggs can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 1 week.
· Raw meats can be stored in the refrigerator 1 or 2 days before they are to be used.
· Opened packages of lunchmeats can be stored for 3-5 days in the refrigerator.
· Opened packages of hotdogs can be refrigerated for 1 week.
· Leftover cooked meats can be stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.
· Egg salads or deviled eggs can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 1 day.
· Yogurt can be kept in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.
· Milk puddings can be safely stored for 5-6 days in the refrigerator.
· Opened containers of milk can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week after they have been opened. * Be sure to check the date on the carton.
You can safely store the milk for up to 1 week after the “sell by” date.
· Opened packages of cheese can be safely stored for 1 month.
· Cheese spreads can be stored for 1 month.
· Jelly can be safely used for 1 year if kept refrigerated after opening.
· Catsup can be stored for 1 month. (For safety, refrigerate.)
· Pies can be safely refrigerated for 2-3 days.
· Peanut butter can be stored for 2-3 months after opening.


Tujuan panitia mata pelajaran yang dikenalpasti adalah seperti berikut:

1.1.1 memperbaiki dan meningkatkan mutu dan keberkesanan pengajaran-pembelajaran;

1.1.2 berikhtiar dan berusaha untuk mendapatkan strategi-strategi mengajar yang inovatif dan boleh mendorong serta menggerakkan kecenderungan para pelajar terhadap pembelajaran;

1.1.3 memperbaiki prestasi pelajar-pelajar dalam peperiksaan (berasaskan sekolah dan awam) dalam mata pelajaran berkenaan berpandukan atau berasaskan kepada prestasi/sasaran yang ditunjukkan dalam rancangan akademik sekolah;

1.1.4 mewujudkan semangat bekerjasama di antara panitia mata pelajaran dengan persatuan atau kelab akademik.

1.2 Peranan Panitia Peranan panitia yang dianggap perlu dilaksanakan sejajar dengan peranannya sebagai sebuah badan ikhtisas adalah seperti berikut:

1.2.1 memperolehi sukatan pelajaran yang terbaru atau kemaskini untuk kegunaan ahli-ahli panitia;

1.2.2 menyediakan rancangan mengajar untuk kedua-dua semester dalam tahun persekolahan. Rancangan mengajar ini diselaraskan di antara guru dalam sesuatu tingkatan dan juga di antara tingkatan di mana ada kaitan;

1.2.3 memilih dan mencadangkan kepada pentadbir sekolah buku teks untuk digunakan oleh pelajar-pelajar berdasarkan kepada kesesuaian buku itu dari segi kehendak sukatan pelajaran dan tahap kebolehan mereka;

1.2.4 memilih dan mencadangkan buku-buku rujukan atau bahan-bahan bacaan tambahan yang sesuai dengan keperluan pembelajaran para pelajar dan kegunaan guru-guru untuk dibekalkan di pusat sumber sekolah;

1.2.5 menyelaraskan soalan-soalan ujian dan peperiksaan (berasaskan sekolah) yang disediakan bagi tiap-tiap tingkatan atau darjah dan jika perlu menubuhkan bank soalan;

1.2.6 mengkaji dan menganalisa keputusan peperiksaan pelajar-pelajar dalam tiap-tiap peperiksaan berasaskan sekolah (khususnya peperiksaan pertengahan dan akhir tahun) dan mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi kelemahan-kelemahan pengajaran dan pembelajaran;

1.2.7 mengadakan mesyuarat panitia secara berkala, sekurang-kurangnya sekali semester dan mengadakan perjumpaan-perjumpaan secara ‘ad-hoc’ bila dan jika perlu;

1.2.8 mengatur perjumpaan atau mesyuarat dengan ahli-ahli panitia (secara formal atau tidak formal) untuk memikir dan membincangkan masalah-masalah atau isu-isu yang berkaitan, seperti masalah-masalah yang berhubung dengan kaedah mengajar serta mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah-masalah atau isu-isu tersebut;

1.2.9 bertukar-tukar pengalaman dan pengetahuan baru yang diperolehi setelah mengikuti kursus atau seminar dengan ahli-ahli lain;

1.2.10 mewujudkan semangat saling bekerjasama dengan persatuan di sekolah dan menjalinkan hubungan kerja yang boleh membantu bagi mencapai matlamat pengajaran dan pembelajaran;

1.2.11 bekerjasama dan bertukar-tukar fikiran, pengalaman dan kepakaran dengan panitia-panitia di sekolah-sekolah berhampiran atau sekawasan.

1.2.12 bekerjasama dengan lain-lain panitia dan membantunya dalam usaha ke arah memajukan pelajar-pelajar yang lemah dalam mata pelajaran tertentu.

1.2.13 melantik seorang setiausaha dari kalangan ahli untuk menyediakan minit mesyuarat dan mengedarkan minit itu kepada semua ahli panitia;

1.2.14 menyelenggara fail-fail panitia dan semua minit atau laporan mesyuarat, surat menyurat dan rekod-rekod yang berkaitan.




January 2025


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